What They Will Not Say

Censorship has limited what artists can say (Photo/D. Huck).
Slight Sleep Media
April 10, 2021.
Updated January 7, 2024.
Bible verses forbid homosexuality and lesbian behavior. People still avoid the moral demands of Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:26-27. LGBT participants are working to reverse the meaning of those verses and at some point, any verse that condemns homosexuality will be edited. That is already clear. Rap artists have been censored. If they oppose homosexuality and lesbian behavior, those said rap artists will be banned from most public venues.
Rappers were never the real voices of the streets. Artists hear what is being said and say it on a larger platform. Very few artists are insightful enough to originate the information that they put in their music.
Hip Hop is called battle oriented, but rappers do not want any parts of the battle that is pending. Heterosexual vs. LGBT is the current lyrical battle. Heterosexual rappers that have enjoyed fame and mainstream success will not say anything about LGBT on public platforms anymore. It does not matter is said homosexual rapper is lame AND homosexual. Lil Nas X is backed by the power of LGBT participants. The “straight” rappers are mainly afraid to say anything and will only whisper their disagreements. The ones who speak up are targeted for having an opinion that does not agree with homosexuality.
Slight Sleep Media; August 9, 2022.
LGBT participants call any Biblical verses that oppose sodomy and lesbian behavior “clobber verses,” which they claim discriminates against them. What we are seeing is a quest for power by LGBT participants and their gradual attempt to change religious texts. In time, they will push to change those verses and are in the process of making that happen with the help of LGBT academic scholars. LGBT participants have already been successful at pressuring religious leaders to abstain from mentioning the sin of sodomy on public platforms and before their own church congregations. Examples of verses that ministers will not say in public are: Leviticus 18:22, which states, “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.”
Also, Romans 1:26-27; “For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; (27) and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.” Religious organizations accept state exemptions that are under the guidelines of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. People thought this legislation was meant to assist American Descendants of Slavery, but always contained a hidden agenda to propel Feminists, and other LGBT participants. They also worked to reverse sodomy laws throughout America and legitimize sexual deviance. Intercourse between to same sex people does not have the ability to reproduce children and it rooted in hedonism, which can be traced back to the Greco-Roman tradition.
Sodomy and lesbian behavior is counterproductive and does not have the ability to reproduce natural life like normal sexual intercourse between the human male and female can. The mental stability of those who partake in sexual deviance is no longer being questions, but we are seething the truth for what it is. If LGBT participants succeed in what they are trying to do, breeding farms will be reintroduced to supply their “artificially constructed families.” Currently, the child foster care system is being used to place children with dysfunctional LGBT “couples.” Heterosexuals are not even allowed to address the issue, since the LGBT community is fascist, totalitarian, and dictator-like at its core. The mental illness component the LGBT community is being suppressed, but a major display of that lunacy is seen through mentally ill, males wearing female clothes and claiming to be eligible to frequent female bathrooms and female locker room facilities at gyms and sports clubs. How does this relate to Hip Hop music?
Rappers and other public figures come under fire now for the words that they use. At any given time, Hip Hop artists may be under fire for what they recite in their songs or at their performances. Outside of the controversy, Hip Hop artists were traditionally known for intelligence, articulation, and being vocally relevant when addressing everyday life situations. When LGBT participants confront these young rappers about controversial comments, their current lack of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding contributes to the overall society plan to promote ignorance.
Money and material wealth alone do not possess the ability to withstand attacks on free speech. Knowledge reigns supreme in that regard. The coerced phrase has become, “I don’t have a problem the LGBT people,” which is a response that comes from intimidation and ignorance. The Christian Bible does have a problem with sodomy. Culture has a problem with deviance, because it bleeds into normal society. The true voices of culture in the United States disagree with LGBT activities. A debate is allowed by LGBT participants, and when they do debate…logic is not allowed. Mentally ill behavior is not normal. What outcome is to be had from two males who participate in sexual deviance? So-called “Black” LGBT participants are systematically championed when they adopt dysfunction over normal behavior.
Mainstream media does not have a problem when every other word used in Rap music is N*igga, B*tch, H*e, and whatever else is being said. A radio edit or “bleep” sound does not change the fact that major corporations sponsor negative lyrics. Since free speech is real, let it play. The only question is: how come the same free speech is not allowed when speaking to LGBT participants? Are LGBT participants like Lil Nas X the only ones allowed to be completely honest? Free speech is supposed to allow language to flow equally for everyone. The bigger issue is the enablers behind the LGBT power hierarchy.
Ninety percent of “Black” boys, leave eighth grade reading below “proficiency” level. The breakdown of the family is reflected in how people speak and conduct themselves. The irony is the current lack of intellectual articulation that Hip Hop was originally known for. Now, it is bad business to speak about issues that matter. The safer route is to avoid confrontation.
Critiques and criticism of LGBT participants are not allowed in U.S. society. Only supportive voices are allowed, which marginalizes the communication level to something comparative to adults and very young children. Logic is not developed, and LGBT participants limit those conversations. Christian Ministers are silent and have remained quiet for the last. 15 years. Religious organizations have allowed themselves to be reduced to nothing more than as religious non-profit entities who depend on funding and exemptions at the local, state, and federal level. Religious ministers avoid criticizing LGBT homosexual and lesbian activity and refrain from quoting the Christian Bible in ways that affirm its condemnation of homosexuality. Nothing beneficial comes from sodomy. Today’s rap music industry has elements of a inner-city 1980s crack-cocaine dealer. They lack finesse, while still having the ability to find success selling words and being clever on the microphone. With taking money from corporate sponsors and major entertainment corporations, free speech is prohibited. Rappers and “Hip Hop” Reality Show participants are encouraged to talk reckless to each other people, but they can not talk the same way about Jewish-American executives or LGBT homosexual and lesbian participants without facing serious consequences. The U.S. is a Christian nation, although some of the inhabitants are non-Christians. Out of the actual Christian population, many of them do not consistently adhere to Christian principles.
New York City is the center and foundation of Hip Hop culture. During the Golden Era of Hip Hop, emcees delivered more balanced projects. Now, some artists are getting caught off guard for what they are saying. Is the Christian Bible still respected as a moral compass for America? Are the verses that condemn homosexuality and lesbian behavior called hate speech?
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